Welcome To Local Cafe Coffee is a lot more than just a drink; it's something happening. Not as in hip, but like a place to be somewhere within yourself. Read More Premium Coffee Blends Coffee is a lot more than just a drink; it's something happening. Not as in hip, but like a place to be somewhere within yourself. Read more Premium Milk Tastes Coffee is a lot more than just a drink; it's something happening. Not as in hip, but like a place to be somewhere within yourself. Read More

Coffe To Go

Labore et dolore magna aliqua, ad minim veniam quis nostrud


French Press

Vivid et amet magna, aliqua lorem ipsum minim veniam quis sed



Lorem ipsum et magna aliqua sed dolor minim, veniam quis vivid


Dark Roast

Magna vivid et dolore lorem aliqua veniam, sed in amet ipsum

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Favourite Coffee Flavours

Vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. Odio euismod lacinia at qui.

Caffe latte

$ 2.95

Fresh bewed coffee and steamed milk

Caffe mocha

$ 3.00

Esspreso with milk and whipped cream

White chocolate mocha

$ 4.50

Esspreso, white chocolate, milk, ice and cream

Caffe americano

$ 2.95

Espresso shots and light layer of crema


$ 4.25

Espresso and smoothened layer of foam

Iced caramel latte

$ 4.25

Espresso, milk, ice and caramel sauce

Espresso machiato

$ 3.00

Rich espresso with milk and foam

Caramel machiato

$ 5.20

Espresso, vanilla-flavored syrup and milk

Iced smoked latte

$ 4.25

Espresso, ice, with smoked butterscotch

Iced caffe mocha

$ 4.50

Espresso, bittersweet mocha sauce, milk and ice